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  • Writer's pictureBritt Ringstrom

Dis-ease Discoveries

Our self-realization is the greatest render we can offer the world. What we begin to see, discover, and understand is merely brushing the surface toward something more significant. But what if it is not about seeking something more meaningful, but more so simply being in the very existential position of where we are?!

I know you are probably wondering, what in _____'s name are you talking about, Britt? Well, with every "rant" comes an intent to portray a message...or, at minimum, open up a moment for thought.

I write this today to have a conversation, a conversation about Dis-ease.

When your body is missing something, it needs to be at optimum is in a state of Dis-ease. It is one thing to receive a Diagnosis, but further, to think about the effectiveness of a Prognosis...on your mind & brain alone. So, what if we took away the "labels" of disease and saw them as a whole, as a state of Dis-ease?

My journey with Dis-ease.

Mid-summer of last year, I received a Cancer diagnosis. Oh, the BIG dreaded C word. In set immediate panic, confusion, "what the ****'s," and some dark, dark rabbit holes. In my head, I had this so-called diagnosis but toppled onto it was an 18-year battle head-on with Rheumatoid Arthritis. My flare-ups became daily chronic pain for the last 15 months, which at this juncture was a slight level of frustration. To no surprise, we found the flares to be a relation to Cancer, and Cancer as a link to the overall autoimmune. Moral of the story...the system, for many, is like a candle burning on both ends, therefore bringing the body to a state of Dis-ease.

Now, let me remind you. I am not here to write a sob story or receive sympathy or empathy as I have got bigger fish to fry, and everyone in this universe has SOMEthing they are going through (keep it movin', right?). For me, the so-called bigger fish to fry is to approach this whole health state systematically and pass along perspective, knowledge, and findings. At the end of the day, it's all just a math problem, right?

So, I decided to break down the analytics layer by layer.

I will spare you too many words to sift through in this post, but in short:

I had a series of head injuries in my younger years, rattling my brain and also injuring my tailbone many times through playing hockey & being a kid. This head & tailbone trauma led to my hypothalamus dysfunction. Simply put, think of the hypothalamus as the controller of your immune system. To exacerbate it further, I was gathering up environmental factors we all consumed back then, such as higher carbohydrates, sugar, alcohol, and a worldwide cocktail of chemicals in our food (such as Glyphosate)...more "bad" math working against an already struggling immune system. So, by the first year after my RA diagnosis, I began down a road determined to locate, research, and share alternatives to Healing, alternatives outside of pharmaceutical drugs.

With that, I feel we should take a moment to talk about Pharmaceutical Drugs. Certainly, a broad subject this could be, yes, so let's get right to the very autoimmune drugs given out daily. With these, the human body is affected in a multitude of ways. One part is receiving temporary relief from the said problem, and the other is, in fact, slowly depleting us from the inside out. Think about your lymphocytes (T & B cells for cell-mediated immunity and antibody production) completely tanking from the drugs just for a human to be able to simply "walk". What is the tradeoff, you ask? Some side effects of these drugs include: Neuropathy, Heart Failure, Vision problems, Lupus, and about 40% of those on them with an autoimmune Dis-ease are likely to develop Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma or another form of Cancer.

So is this where the Cancer came from? Or was it a compilation of the Biologics, the autoimmune, the head injuries, Round-up use in my Landscaping days, Glyphosate in our foods, or a myriad of other elements? Well, as we all know, with enough ill variables thrown at a once-functioning system...radicalized cells are bound to multiply. But the really fascinating piece I have discovered is: if you put the human body in the right environment with the right variables to thrive....that miraculous unit is capable of so much more Healing than we realize. So overall, my question becomes: is there a better way to go about the current system of a scary diagnosis followed by a broad standard of care & pharmaceutical approach? I think the deeper we dive into a root-cause approach & viewing the Human body as one unit...the closer we come to a more proficient & well-functioning HEALTH care system & rid of our current Sick-Care system.

Dis-ease journaling

Regardless of the criticism, the data speaks for itself on this plethora of alternatives, and I am ecstatic to share them with you over these next few posts!

A handful of elements I want you to stay open to are:

  • Fasting & Time Restricted Eating

  • Hot & Cold Therapy

  • Sound Frequency & Light Therapies

  • Acupuncture & other forms of Chinese Medicine

  • Herbal Remedies

  • Lymphatic Drainage & Massage

  • Dietary Specifics

  • Gut Microbiome Reset

  • IV Therapy

  • Natural Hormone & Metabolic Therapies

  • Breathwork & Meditation

  • Exercise & Movement

  • Red Light Therapy

  • Hyperbaric Oxygen Chambers

  • Coffee Enemas

  • Emotional Trauma Release Work

  • And this list goes on…

So, a huge goal that I have is for you to hold firm to hope and confidence for our system of Health as a society. I write this to spread my word that there is a way to make this an affordable yet effective approach but further...where shall we begin?

Stay tuned for my experience with these alternatives and their outcome in my journey to handling my Dis-ease.


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